MSO-004 Solved Assignments

* Note :- The answers that are not yet published, will be posted soon.

July 2019 and January 2020

Answer any five questions selecting at least two from each of the sections. Your answers should be in about 500 words each.


  1. Describe the historical roots of Indian Sociology.
  2. How did Sociology as a profession grow in India.
  3. How did the colonial rulers in India view caste system? Discuss their impact on caste.
  4. Is the ideology of purity and pollution the core value of caste or can it be ignored? Discuss.
  5. Is family in India changing? Discuss its nature and structure in contemporary India.


  1. Discuss the Verrier Elwin and G.S Ghuryes’ debate regarding tribes in India.
  2. Does religion impact politics in India or politics impact religion in India? Discuss Critically.
  3. What is urbanisation? How is it changing peoples’ life style and culture?
  4. Define globalisation and discuss its impact on society in India.
  5. What is a social movement? Discuss its various types with examples.

July 2018 and January 2019

Note: Answer questions worth of 100 marks. All questions carry equal marks.

  1. Describe the social background of emergence of Sociology in India.
  2. Discuss the role and significance of field-work method in conducting village studies in India during the 1950’s and 1960’s.
  3.  Explain how the Census Operation influenced caste in India with suitable examples.
  4. Discuss the origin of caste system in India from a brahminical perspective.
  5.  Is the joint family in India disintegrating? Discuss critically.
  6.  What do you understand by agrarian class structure in India? Discuss with suitable examples.
  7. Describe the socio-historical development of working class in India.
  8. What is a tribe? Discuss the relationship between tribe and caste in India.
  9. Distinguish between old social movements and new social movements with suitable examples.
  10. Define the concept of middle class and discuss its major features in India.

July 2017 and January 2018

Note: Answers any five questions in about 500 words each. Attempt at least two questions from each section. All questions carry equal marks.


  1. Discuss with examples the three major approaches to understand Indian society.
  2. Did suitable conditions exist during the colonial rule in India which could promote the emergence of sociology? Discuss.
  3. Discuss the social structure of Indian village in terms of caste, class and gender.
  4. Why did the village studies become popular during the 1950s and 1960s in India? Discuss.
  5. Describe rules of marriages amongst some of the communities in India.


  1. Discuss the relationship between tribe and caste in India with suitable examples.
  2. Critically discuss the linkages between religion and politics in India.
  3. What is secularism? Is it different from secularisation? Discuss.
  4. Discuss the impact of urbanisation on social institutions like family, kinship and marriage in India.
  5. Discuss the changing facts of peasant movement in India.

July 2016 and January 2017

Answers any five questions. Choose any two questions from each section. All questions carry equal marks.

Section – I

  1. Describe with suitable examples the emergence and growth of sociology as a discipline in India.
  2. Explain why sociologists in India, during the nineteen fifties felt the need to study the Indian village.
  3. What were the views of Ambedkar on caste system in India? Discuss critically.
  4. Discuss with suitable examples how marriage and family are changing in contemporary India.
  5. Who are the working class? Discuss the major characteristics of working classes in the organised sector in India.

Section – II

  1. Discuss the debate on the national park policy on the tribes in India after Independence.
  2. Describe the relationship between tribes and castes in India with suitable examples.
  3. Define social movement and describe at least one old social movement and one new social movement in India.

July 2015 and January 2016

Answers any five questions in about 500 words each. Attempt at least two questions from each section. All questions carry equal marks.

Section – I

  1. Discuss the emergence and growth of sociology in India.
  2. Compare and contrast the basic similarities and differences between Ambedkar and Lohia’s perspective on caste.
  3. Describe the historical background and significance of village studies in India with suitable examples.
  4. Critically assess the significance of caste in modern India keeping in mind the field based studies in India.
  5. Explain with suitable examples different rules regulating marriage in India.

Section – II

  1. What do you understand by the culture of the commons? Discuss.
  2. Are the tribes in India lower caste Hindus? Discuss critically with suitable examples.
  3. Is religion a positive or negative social institution? Defend your answer with suitable examples.
  4. Describe the different components of social movement and discuss its significance.
  5. Distinguish between old social movements and new social movements with examples.

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