Define the concept of city and give some of the ways in which city is described.

City is a functional integration of its elements – residents, structures, means of transportation, installations and so on. Sociologists all over the world defines city in different ways. According to Mumford, an eminent sociologist, the concept of city escaped scholarly scrutiny, though city as a form of human settlement dates back to the beginning of … Read more

Write a note on the Jewish diaspora.

Jews are one of the oldest communities that were dispersed, settled in different parts of the world and held onto the notion of homeland. The Jewish population started nation-building process, which made them more attached to their homeland. Eventually religious and national elements became highly intertwined. Scattering of Jews started at the time of Assyrian … Read more

Describe the migration patterns of Indian Diaspora in colonial India.

Indians traveled to other countries in ancient times for trade and to spread Buddhism, but were never formed as diaspora. The migration in ancient India was sporadic. After British started trade with India, migration of Indians happened in a large scale to other British colonies. Migration in India during colonial period is basically of two types … Read more

What were the views of Ambedkar on caste system in India? Discuss critically.

Ambedkar analysed complex caste system and its essential features. He explained that Hindu social order doesn’t recognize equality, liberty and fraternity. The second feature of Hindu social order is that the occupations of people are inherited. The third principle is that interaction of people is limited to the people that belongs to the same caste. … Read more

Compare the role of education in nation-building in India with that in other countries.

Nation-building is given top priority in the education curriculum of India. Knowledge of freedom struggle dominates the history books in Indian schools. Kumar pointed out that other subjects took back seat in this process. In India national identity is constructed around colonial history. Several phases in achieving independence are stressed to transform younger generation into … Read more