‘Schools perpetuate structural inequalities of power and access to resources.’ Discuss.

‘Paulo Friere’ thought that the current education system is perpetuating the structural inequalities of power. Friere closely observed the education system and the society in Brazil and realized that the education system is helping the dominant groups to keep their authoritative position over the oppressed. Friere proposed the ‘banking concept of education’. The present education … Read more

Outline the middle classes in Indian society.

The term middle classes refers to the social group that exists between upper classes and working classes. Middle class emerged in India under the British rule. Industrialization and mass education contributed to the forming of middle class. This newly formed middle class played an active role in India’s struggle for independence. After independence, the role … Read more

Discuss the relationship between theory and paradigm.

A “theory” is an explanation to the happenings in the world. It is not just an assumption, instead theory is based on scientific facts. There are many theories till now to explain various things such as the evolution of the modern world, globalization etc. Hence theories are considered as a creation of new knowledge. In … Read more

MSO-004 June 2017 Question Paper

Answer any five of the following questions in about 500 words each. Attempt at least two questions from each section. All questions carry equal marks. SECTION – I Discuss the growth of sociology as a discipline in India. Write a critique of the colonial perspective on the study of caste system in India. Explain the social structure … Read more

MSO-002 June 2017 Question Paper

Answer any five of the following questions in about 500 words each. Attempt at least two questions from each section. All questions carry equal marks. SECTION – I Distinguish between inductive and deductive logic in social research. Explain with illustrations. Discuss Functionalist approach in social analysis. Critically examine the positivist method in social science research. Discuss the … Read more