Define Other Backward Classes.

‘Other Backward Classes’ is the intermediate layer between the traditional upper castes and the untouchables. It is a heterogeneous category comprising diverse socio-economic entities. The extremes in the category are the dominant castes like land-owners and the economically & socially deprived castes, who work as landless laborers, sharecroppers etc. A few non-Hindu communities too falls under this … Read more

ESO-14 Solved Question papers

* Note :- The answers that are not yet published, will be posted soon. December, 2015 SECTION I Answer any two of the following questions in about 500 words each. Explain the relationship between caste and class in India. How does Gerhard Lenski’s notion of class differ from that of Karl Marx ? Explain Pierre van den Berghe … Read more

ESO-14 Solved Assignments

* Note :- The answers that are not yet published, will be posted soon. July 2019 and January 2020 Answer all the questions. Section – I Answer the following in about 500 words each. Critically examine the interactional approach to the study of Caste. Compare Coser’s theory on class with that of Dahrendorf’s theory Section … Read more