Describe what is a marginalized group?

A marginalized group is a group of people that does not enjoy the same privileges as that of the rest of the society. Marginalized group suffer multiple deprivations. The access of the marginalized groups to the various aspects such as social cultural, economic and political aspects is very limited when compared to mainstream society.  The group becomes marginalized … Read more

Who constitutes a joint family?

A family is considered as a ‘joint family’, if it includes two or more married couples, who are related lineally or collaterally. Some joint families are lineal collateral joint families. Generally, lineal joint families are patrilineal families. In South-West and North-East India, matrilineal joint families can be traced. In some families, supplemented members such as … Read more

Discuss the meaning of Fundamentalism

Fundamentalism is the belief that their scriptures are infallible, and their religion is supreme. Fundamentalists won’t spear those, who are at variance with the words of their scriptures. Hence they are interpreted as narrow-minded and bigoted. They even fight for the separate homeland, if it is mentioned in their religious books. This makes them isolated … Read more